October 9th Chess Tournament and Bughouse Tournament

Learners Chess Academy: 532 Adams Street, Albuquerque, NM 87108, USA
Oct 09 2016
October 9th Chess Tournament, 1:25-4:30pm
October 9th Bughouse, 4:30-5:30pm
October 9th Tournament and Bughouse, 1:25-5:30pm

Tournament trophies

Trophies awarded to the top three finishing players in each Octagon and top three finishing bughouse teams.


October 9th Chess and/or Bughouse (10/09/2016-10/09/2016)


October 9th Prize: Trophies awarded to top three in each Octagon and Top Three Bughouse Teams


NMCO Secretary and USCF certified Tournament Director, Willow LeTard will be directing her first chess tournament for Learners Chess!

Tournament starts at 1:30pm (please arrive be 1:20pm) and we will play three rounds. Eight player sections will be decided by the tournament director based on rating and known experience of unrated players. Each section will play it's next round 5-10 minutes after the conclusion of the previous round. The end time is estimated conservatively at 4:30pm (we usually end earlier). Trophies will be awarded to top finishing players in each section.

Bughouse will start at 4:30-4:45pm and we will paly as many rounds as we can fit in before 5:30pm and trophies will be awarded to top finishing teams.

Our tournament is a USCF Rated Tournaments for any chess players rated 1200 or below. Players will be grouped into sections of eight based on their rating. Unrated players will be grouped into the bottom sections.

The max number of players we can fit is 24.

Clocks will be set to G/25 minutes with a 5 second delay. Notation (writing down your moves) will be required.

Max number of players is 24.

Registration period

Registration starts on 01/15/2016 and ends on 10/08/2016.


Participants must currently be 17 years old or younger.

In-person location

Learners Chess Academy: 532 Adams Street, Albuquerque, NM 87108, USA
Registration closed.